Monthly Archives: December 2010

Surviving Christmas

I do like Christmas… it’s a fun holiday for the kids and the one time of year that I get to see most of my family in one place at the same time.  That said, I could do without the 45 days of Christmas music, the ridiculously crowded store parking lots, the 10 hour drive up North, and the seemingly endless list of errands that need to be run… but – even with this (perhaps because of this) – I do enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with having survived it each year.  When coupled with the knowledge that the next Christmas is 364 days away, the last few days of December typically find me in pretty good spirits. 

Last night, I completed one of the final Christmas tasks, organizing all of the pictures taken across the multiple Christmas events.  It was a slightly larger task than usual this year as I consolidated pictures taken on our camera, my Aunt’s camera, and my Dad’s camera – for a grand total of 688 shots.  After two hours of transferring, deleting, editing, and labeling… we ended up with a relatively reasonable collection of 177 holiday pics.  

A few of my favorites….