Waiting For Spring

It’s the end of March and spring has not yet sprung – sigh.  The winter coats have not been put away and I’m still dealing with the daily annoyance of trying to convince my kids that it’s perfectly fine to wear mismatched gloves.  I have high hopes for April.

Though we aren’t yet into 70 degree days, the arrival of daylight savings time has inspired me to start using the grill a bit more frequently for evening meals (even I have to wear an extra layer to do so).   This  week, the lighter-than-usual evenings had me looking for something new to go with the grillings so I set off in search of a new wheat berry salad recipe.

I went through my usual online haunts… foodnetwork, 101cookbooks, allrecipes, etc… and found one that met my requirements, which were: 1) the recipe had to be substantially different from the other wheat berry salad I’ve made and 2) it had to be made solely from ingredients I had in the house (it was too gray and cold to venture out to the grocery store).

I found a couple options that looked promising and went forth with a recipe by Ellie Krieger compliments of FoodNetwork.com.  A few substitutions later, I had found a new favorite – a wheatberry salad flavored with dried cherries, cilantro, and lemon.   I liked it so much I made it again three days later.

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