Tag Archives: Quinoa

My Introduction To Quinoa

I made my first Quinoa dish last night – Quinoa is a new grain (well, technically its not a grain, but it looks and tastes like one) for me, I hadn’t even heard of it prior to looking through Heidi Swanson’s book, Super Natural Cooking.   Quinoa is a super food, high in protein and amino acids, and all kinds of other good stuff.

It’s a fast cooking, hard to screw up grain – two things I really like in an ingredient.  I found a recipe for Lemony Quinoa on allrecipes.com and after a few slight modifications, ended up with a delicious dish that I ate as my main course and my kids and husband ate alongside their chicken tenders.  (well, that might be overstating a bit – one kid tasted it, said it was OK, the other kid wouldn’t allow it on her plate).  Check it out:  Citrus Quinoa

Oh, and its pronounced KEEN-wah.  I mention that only because I’ve been calling it KEE-no-wa until just now.